
Techserve recognises service champions

Techserve held an award ceremony on 19th June for the presentation of its service champions award winners for the first quarter of 2012. The Service Champions recognition programme was established to promote customer centricity, continuous improvement and encourage employee productivity, rewarding individuals who through hard work have demonstrated their commitment and continuing positive contributions to customer service.

Seven employees were selected as award recipients from a number of employees who were nominated for their outstanding demonstration of customer service and commitment.

The awards were presented by Vishesh Bhatia, President New Strategic Growth Group, to Manjesh Alex, Customer Support Engineer, Savio David, Customer Support Engineer – Telecom, Balasubramaniam Rajagopal, Material Management, Azhar Jalil, Technician – Air Conditioning and Home Appliances, Milo Garion Estrologo, Customer Support Engineer – Audio Video, Murali Krishnan – Customer Support Engineer – IT and Sheeraj Mohamed Rafeek, Key Account Executive – Copier Sales.

Rajagopal, General Manager, Techserve congratulated the winners and commented: “It is very important that our technical team continuously updates their technical skills to match the current technical challenges in order to meet customer expectations and deliver the best in customer satisfaction.”