In this section, we have given answers to some regularly asked questions. Please click on the section of interest to find out more or we would be delighted to assist you personally if you cannot find the answer to your query. Please refer to the Contact Us page to find out the different ways in which you can get in touch.
Repair Status Enquiries

How can I check the status of my repair
You can call 800 TECHSERVE (800 832473783) or the dedicated support lines listed below between 9.00am to 6.00pm, Saturday to Thursday.
You can also send us an email on the following addresses:
Dubai: Techserve@alfuttaim.ae
Abu Dhabi: Techserve.Abudhabi@alfuttaim.ae
Please have ready the unique notification number issued to you when your repair was accepted or booked with Techserve.
For Office Automation Repair status enquiries
Dubai: +971 4 702 0150
Abu Dhabi: +971 2 673 3142
For Audio Video Repair status enquiries
Dubai: +971 4 702 0126
Abu Dhabi: +971 2 673 3004
For IT Repair status enquiries
Dubai: +971 4 702 0116
Abu Dhabi: +971 2 673 3004
For Air Conditioning & Home Appliances Repair status enquiries
Dubai: +971 4 211 9324
Abu Dhabi: +971 2 673 3004
For other locations, please refer to the Contact Us page for further information.
You can also send us an email on the following addresses:
Dubai: Techserve@alfuttaim.ae
Abu Dhabi: Techserve.Abudhabi@alfuttaim.ae
Please have ready the unique notification number issued to you when your repair was accepted or booked with Techserve.
For Office Automation Repair status enquiries
Dubai: +971 4 702 0150
Abu Dhabi: +971 2 673 3142
For Audio Video Repair status enquiries
Dubai: +971 4 702 0126
Abu Dhabi: +971 2 673 3004
For IT Repair status enquiries
Dubai: +971 4 702 0116
Abu Dhabi: +971 2 673 3004
For Air Conditioning & Home Appliances Repair status enquiries
Dubai: +971 4 211 9324
Abu Dhabi: +971 2 673 3004
For other locations, please refer to the Contact Us page for further information.